分类: 健康问答



What time is it? In English, we say “what time is it?” to ask someone the time. The most common response is to tell the time in hours and minutes. For example, if it is 3:15 PM, you can say “It’s three fifteen.”

If you want to be more specific, you can say “It’s fifteen minutes past three.” You can also say “It’s quarter past three.” This means the same thing as fifteen minutes past three. In some cases, you may hear people say “It’s a quarter after three.” This means the same thing as quarter past three.

If it is 3:30 PM, you can say “It’s half past three.” You can also say “It’s thirty minutes past three.” This means the same thing as half past three. In some cases, you may hear people say “It’s half after three.” This means the same thing as half past three.

If it is 3:45 PM, you can say “It’s quarter to four.” You can also say “It’s fifteen minutes to four.” This means the same thing as quarter to four. In some cases, you may hear people say “It’s a quarter of four.” This means the same thing as quarter to four.

If it is 4:00 PM, you can say “It’s four o’clock.” You can also say “It’s four PM.” This means the same thing as four o’clock. In some cases, you may hear people say “It’s sixteen hundred hours.” This means the same thing as four o’clock.

No matter what time of day it is, you can always tell the time in English. Just remember to use the correct terms for the hour and minutes. For example, you can say “It’s three fifteen” or “It’s quarter after three.” You can also say “It’s half past three” or “It’s fifteen minutes to four.”




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