
2023-08-16 05:06:19 性生活 9个月前 (08-15) 214次浏览


女朋友她妈回来了 我现在拿着衣服躲在她的衣柜里,刚刚嘿咻完.,我默默的拨通了他的号码…… 哈哈……我也要演电影. ,好刺激…” 看后: “哈哈.,像演电影刚才收到一个同学的短信。

He hid in the cupboard and asked her for something. He was feeling a little bit embarrassed, but he was determined to find out what she wanted. He was hoping that she would understand his feelings and accept his request.

He waited for her response, and after a few moments of silence, she finally spoke. She asked him why he was hiding in the cupboard, and he told her that he felt more comfortable asking her for something in private. She smiled and agreed to hear him out.

He took a deep breath and told her that he wanted to be with her. He told her that he had had feelings for her for a long time, and that he was finally brave enough to express them. She looked a little surprised but smiled and said that she felt the same way.

He was relieved and happy to hear her response. He thanked her for understanding and said that he was looking forward to spending more time with her. She agreed, and they left the cupboard together, hand-in-hand.

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